risk reduction

How do you stay in the right risk profile?

Estimating Risks In an enterprise, and especially a small one, the key to success is a healthy Risk Return Ratio. The game is to make smart (low risk) investments of time, money or other resources so that the investments return. The key to a high average return on investment is to optimize the risk return… Read more →

How do you know if your Startup Idea can be built?

An investor once told me that virtually none of the startups that presented them as an investment opportunity to him could explain where they got the estimation for the development costs in their business plan. At least not at a level that inspires confidence. In a typical scenario, when meeting with an investor, the entrepreneur… Read more →

Solve problems by removing things

A very popular quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away” That’s nice, but what does it actually mean? In a presentation I often use when talking about solving problems with software. I explain about finding the balance… Read more →

The Great Rewrite

Every developer of some experience has seen it at least once. The evil beast of an application that should be killed with fire to rise from the ashes as a beautifully crafted phoenix. Business people dread the moment when they need to scale their team and the best new developer explains that the application is… Read more →